Solstein’s family office clients require a true investment partner—one with longstanding investment experience across asset classes plus wealth management solutions to span generations. Solstein is flexible in its approach, serving as an extension for existing teams or an outsourced CIO.
Solstein establishes a partnership with a client after a few key steps. First, the team analyzes a potential client’s current investments, to gain an understanding of the historical context and discuss current views. Second, the team confirms key objectives and requirements, and everyone determines if an investment partnership is a match. Next, the team collaborates with the client to design and formalize an investment game plan, followed by the operations team to initiate the plan. Solstein seeks to be an investment partner to clients, versus a traditional investment manager. Below are different ways in which we partner with our family office clients.
CLIENT TYPES. Formally-structured family offices, informally-structured large family clients, and family foundations.
STRUCTURES. Separately-managed accounts are typical.
Geographic. Global is typical, whereas international-only is a flexible option.
Risk Tolerance. Semi-hedged and fully-hedged are most typical, whereas long-only is a flexible option.
Asset Classes. Cross-asset is typical, whereas equity-only is a flexible option.
Bespoke Positions. Active management of bespoke positions, such as concentrated legacy positions, low cost basis legacy positions, new stock grants.
Bespoke Hedges. Creation of bespoke hedges for specific portfolio risk management needs.
Risk/Returns. Benchmark-oriented, absolute return, and client-designed.
Taxes. Incorporating tax management, where applicable.
Additional. Flexibility for client-driven guidelines (e.g., ESG, liquidity, legacy positions).
Current. UBS, Schwab, and Interactive Brokers for family office clients. Solstein works with a larger list for institutional clients.
Future. Flexibility for additional custodians if desired, given operations infrastructure.
Solstein has a partnership with UBS wherein Solstein clients can leverage both UBS Global Family Services’ wealth management offerings (e.g., loans, new entity establishment, physical gold delivery, private equity investments) as well as UBS’ prime brokerage offerings.
Solstein has an institutional Coinbase relationship that enables Solstein to establish accounts, trade cryptocurrencies, and create custody arrangements with Solstein clients.
We are open to new opportunities and enjoy connecting with individuals and organizations from around the globe.